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How to get to mountaintops of the giants in Elden Ring

How to get to mountaintops of the giants Elden Ring -  Giants' Summit is the northernmost area of ​​the Midlands. This is your next top destination if you're looking to walk through the main story of the Elden Ring. You may not even know how to get to the snowy area in the game. This is how you can get to the Giants Summit in Elden Ring.

How to get to mountaintops of the giants in Elden Ring

How to get to the top of the Giant Mountains in Elden Ring


It works the same when you get to Leyndell, the royal capital. You must take a Grand Elevator that requires a medallion in order to access a completely new and large area. However, The Mountaintops of the Giants is a bit different. The area you will arrive at is the Great Rold Elevator, northwest of the Forbidden Lands Site of Grace.

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When you get to Rold, he can take you to two different areas of Giant's Peaks, depending on which medallion you use. The first medallion you will get upon entering the main area is simply called the Rold Medallion. You can get it after defeating Morgott, the King of Omens. When you unlock Grace's site at this location, you have the option to talk to Melina. She will give you this key item.

The other way is to get the Secret Medallion Coins from Haligtree. Just like the left and right parts of the Great Elevator in Dectus, you'll need to collect two coins to unlock Rold's secret mechanism. The Left Medallion can be found in Castle Sol after defeating Commander Niall. The correct locket piece can be found by interacting with Albus, an NPC that spawns at the Grace Albinaurics village site in Liurnia.

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