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Where to mark a alien egg in Fortnite Season 7 week 7

How to mark alien egg fortnite - It's officially Fortnite Week 7 now that the new Legendary Missions have been released. It's only been a couple of weeks since the launch of the Superman Fortnite skin for those with the Season 7 Battle Pass.

Where to mark a alien egg in Fortnite Season 7 week 7

One of the legendary missions for week 7 requires players to mark an egg. You'll only have to do this once to complete the challenge, but here's everything you need to know about alien eggs, including where to find them.

What are alien egg in Fortnite
Alien eggs are what the name says, alien eggs. They are green eggs with a black base. When you see them you will usually find them releasing a bunch of green liquid and can be found on the floor or ceiling.

Where to find the alien egg in Fortnite

There are a number of established locations where you can find and mark alien eggs in Fortnite. One of the alien egg locations can be found near Hydro 16. Here's the exact location:

Where to mark a alien egg in Fortnite Season 7 week 7

You will find it on the ground next to some rocks. There are also some eggs in the factory that are on the map above. Enter the warehouse and you will find a couple of eggs on the roof.

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There are some eggs at the Durrr Burger restaurant. Go down the stairs in the basement and you will find two alien eggs on the ceiling. Here's the location on the season 7 map: 

Where to mark a alien egg in Fortnite Season 7 week 7

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