Containment specialist fortnite : where to find containment specialist fortnite
Containment specialist fortnite - Fortnitemares is upon us in October 2021, and that means there are a lot of fun things to do in the game! That also means that there are new missions to complete, which will give you a lot of experience and help you level up that Battle Pass, so you can get all those sweet cosmetics.
If you're looking for the Containment Specialist in the game, we'll direct you to the exact place you need to go to find him!
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This objective is required to begin the new Ghostbusters missions that were added to the game in Fortnite patch 18.21 which was added on October 19, 2021.
Containment Specialist Fortnite
If you are looking to start the new Ghostbusters mission series in Fortnite, you will need to locate the Containment Specialist. He can be found on the island of Camp Cod, at the southern end of the map.
Head to the southern part of the island and to the east. You will find a barn location and you should see a little quote icon above the NPC's head. Talk to the Ghostbusters and he will start you on your set of challenges in the game!
That's all you need to know to locate the Containment Specialist in Fortnite! You can find more coverage of the game in the Fortnite section of our website.
Shaun Savage, aka Evident, is a longtime site builder. He strives to create the most usable sites for his audience. In his spare time, he likes to play video games, watch movies, and watch television shows excessively.
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