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How to transfer data from one iPhone to another

How to transfer iphone to iphone - The time of year comes when many users renew their iPhone, and that means having to set it up again. Reinstall all applications, place them in folders, configure your iCloud account, email application, terminal configuration options ... A process that is often tedious when you want to start using your new iPhone as soon as possible . Well, you can save all this, and it is very easy.

How to transfer data from one iPhone to another

Since the release of iOS 12.4 it is easier than ever to be able to transfer all the data from one iPhone to another, without having to connect it to iTunes, without having to wait for all the data to download from iCloud. You can clone your old iPhone in the new one, and it is a semi-automatic process that we explain below.

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In order to carry out this procedure we need your old iPhone, the one you want to clone, and the new iPhone to which you want to transfer all the data. The latter must be without configuration with the classic blank initial screen in which "Hello" can be read in several languages.

  • Place the two iPhones next to each other. If they have a low battery, better connect them to the current, although it is not essential it is recommended.
  • Start the configuration process of the new iPhone, select the language you want to use.
  • A window will appear on your old iPhone indicating the possibility of using it to configure the new iPhone, click on «Continue»
  • You will have to take the old iPhone and scan with your camera the cloud of points that appears on the screen of the new iPhone, in a similar way to the one used with the Apple Watch.
  • The automatic setup process will begin.

Now you should look at the new iPhone, because at various points you will have to enter some data, such as the unlock password of the old iPhone, or the iCloud password of your account. They are security measures to prevent anyone from easily cloning your iPhone. Once this is done, the transfer of data from one iPhone to the other will begin, a process whose duration will depend on the amount of data to be transferred. In my case it was about 20-25 minutes, after which I had two iPhones with the same content. It even transfers your Apple Watch to your new iPhone.

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This procedure can also be done via cable, which is ideal if you have a low-speed internet connection, but there is currently no Lightning to Lightning cable, so you will need a USB-Lightning adapter and the USB-to-Lightning cable from your iPhone.

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