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How to get Spirit Calling Bell in Elden Ring || where Spirit Calling Bell Elden Ring

How to use spirit calling bell - One of the coolest new features in FromSoftware's new open world epic is being able to summon friendly NPCs and monsters using the Elden Ring Spirit Calling Bell. To use it, you'll need to gather Spirit Ashes, which you can find all over the world. However, it's pretty easy to miss the Spirit Calling Bell if you're not careful, so in this guide, we'll cover how to get it.

How to get Spirit Calling Bell in Elden Ring || where Spirit Calling Bell  Elden Ring

Where to Find Spirit Calling Bell Elden Ring 

How to get Spirit Calling Bell in Elden Ring || where Spirit Calling Bell  Elden Ring

To get the Bell of Spirit Calling, head to the Church or Elleh's Grace Site, which can be found north of the Stranded Graveyard as soon as you enter the main world. From there, head east on the main road and you'll eventually reach the Gatefront Ruins, which has a grace site on each side. Rest in any of these places and Melina will appear to you.

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Melina will offer you a quest in exchange for your horse, Torrent, which you must accept. Finish her quest for her and then head back to Elleh's Church, using the grace site to advance into the night. When you get up, an NPC will appear and beckon you.

This NPC is the witch, Renna. Talk to her and she will give you the Bell that Calls the Spirit and the Lone Wolf Ashes. You can say no, but you'll get it no matter what you say, so it's best to speed things up by agreeing. Once the conversation is over and you have the bell, equip the summoning ashes as a consumable. You can only use them in certain areas full of enemies and they will cost you FP like any other spell.

If you don't take Renna's Spirit Calling Bell, she will eventually stop spawning in Elleh's Church, but after that point, you can buy the bell and Lone Wolf Ashes from Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold once Melina gets you. gives access.

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